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Our highly qualified team of writing, editing and translation professionals is not the only thing that sets EditingWorm apart from other providers. We offer a long list of benefits that our competitors can’t match, including:

Great customer service;

Simple, instant price quotes;

Special flat rate pricing on short document editing services;

And an easy to navigate, user friendly website.

These are just a few of the many reasons why EditingWorm is quickly becoming the preferred online provider for all types of editing, writing and translation needs. Send us your document today, for a no-obligation price quote, using the easy document submission form that appears below.

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    To retrieve your document’s word count in Microsoft Word, go to the Tools drop-down menu and select “Word count” option. A dialogue box will appear that shows the page count and word count for your document, among other options. To determine the word count for a certain section of text within a document, highlight that section and then follow the same steps as above.


    We are based in sunny San Diego, California


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